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DUMONT E.-R., LARUE C., LORBER S., GRYTA H., BILLOIR E., GROSS E.-M., ELGER A., 2019. Does intraspecific variability matter in ecological risk assessment? Investigation of genotypic variations in three macrophyte species exposed to copper. Aquatic Toxicology 211, 29-37 . [doi]
ROUBEAU DUMONT E., LARUE C., LORBER S., GRYTA H., BILLOIR E., GROSS E.-M., ELGER A., 2019. Does intraspecific variability matter in ecological risk assessment? Investigation of genotypic variations in three macrophyte species exposed to copper. Aquatic Toxicology 211, 29-37 Réf. HAL: hal-02324925. [doi]
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ARCE-FUNCK J., CRENIER C., DANGER M., BILLOIR E., USSEGLIO-POLATERA P., FELTEN V., 2018. High stoichiometric food quality increases moulting organism vulnerability to pollutant impacts: An experimental test with Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) Science Of The Total Environment 645, 1484-1495. [doi]
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BILLOIR E., DELHAYE H., FORFAIT C., CLÉMENT B., TRIFFAULT-BOUCHET G., CHARLES S., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., 2012. Comparison of bioassays with different exposure time pattern: the added value of dynamic modelling in predictive ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety 75, 80-86. [doi]
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FORFAIT-DUBUC C., CHARLES S., BILLOIR E., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., 2012. Survival data analyses in ecotoxicology: Critical effect concentrations, methods and models. What should we use? Ecotoxicology 21, 1072-1083. [doi]
FOX D.F., BILLOIR E., CHARLES S., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., LOPES C., 2012. What to do with NOECs / NOELs : prohibition or innovation? Integrated Environmental Assessment And Management 8, 764-766. [doi]
BILLOIR E., DELHAYE H., CLÉMENT B., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., CHARLES S., 2011. Bayesian modelling of daphnid responses to time-varying cadmium concentrations in laboratory aquatic microcosms. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety 74, 693-702. [doi]
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BILLOIR E., DA SILVA FERRAO-FILHO A., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., CHARLES S., 2009. DEBtox theory and matrix population models as helpful tools in understanding the toxic cyanobacteria-zooplankton interaction. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 258, 380-388. [doi]
BILLOIR E., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., PÉRY A, CHARLES S., 2008. A Bayesian approach to analyzing ecotoxicological data. Environmental Science And Technology 42, 8978-8984. [doi]
BILLOIR E., DELIGNETTE-MULLER M.L., PÉRY A., GEFFARD O., CHARLES S., 2008. Statistical cautions when estimating DEBtox parameters. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 254, 55-64. [doi]
BILLOIR E., PÉRY A., CHARLES S., 2007. Integrating the lethal and sublethal effects of toxic compounds into the population dynamics of Daphnia magna: a combination of the DEBtox and matrix population models. Ecological Modelling 203, 204-214. [doi]