M. Christian MUSTIN
Directeur de Recherche DR2 CNRS
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux
UMR 7360 CNRS - Université de Lorraine

Faculté des Sciences et Technologies BP 70239

Tel :       +33(0)3 72 74 52 13
Fax :     +33(0)3 72 74 52 06
e-mail : christian.mustin(@)univ-lorraine.fr

Téléphone LIEC Charmois : 03 72 74 47 10

  • Publications internationales

BALLAND-BOLOU-BI C., BOLOU-BI E., VIGIER N., MUSTIN C., POSZWA A., 2019. Increased Mg release rates and related Mg isotopic signatures during bacteria-phlogopite interactions. Chemical Geology 506, 17-28     Réf. HAL: hal-01968263.  [doi]

UBERSFELD D., LEYVAL C., REDON P.-O., MUSTIN C., 2018. Antioxidant plant metabolites affect leaching of mineral elements from Callovo-Oxfordian clays European Journal Of Soil Science 69, 348-359.  [doi]

DUPUY J., LEGLIZE P., VINCENT Q., ZELKO I., MUSTIN C., OUVRARD S., STERCKEMAN T., 2016. Effect and localization of phenanthrene in maize roots Chemosphere 149, 130-136.  [doi]

PARRELLO D., ZEGEYE A., MUSTIN C., BILLARD P., 2016. Siderophore-Mediated Iron Dissolution from Nontronites Is Controlled by Mineral Cristallochemistry Frontiers In Microbiology 7, UNSP 423.  [doi]

PARRELLO D., MUSTIN C., BRIE D., MIRON S., BILLARD P., 2015. Multicolor Whole-Cell Bacterial Sensing Using a Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy-Based Approach. Plos One 10,.  [doi]

BALLAND-BOLOU-BI C., POSZWA A., MUSTIN C., 2014. Experimental Study on the Phlogopite Weathering Potential of Bacterial Communities Isolated from Different Soil Profiles. American International Of Biology 2(3&4), 35-63.  [doi]

BRIE D., KLOTZ R., MIRON S., MOUSSAOUI S., MUSTIN C., BECUWE P., GRANDEMANGE S. , 2014. Joint analysis of flow cytometry data and fluorescence spectra as a non-negative array factorization problem. Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems 137, 21-32..  [doi]

OULKADI D., BALLAND-BOLOU-BI C., BILLARD P., KITZINGER G., PARRELLO D., MUSTIN C., BANON S. , 2014. Interactions of three soil bacteria species with phyllosilicate surfaces in hybrid silica gels. Fems Microbiology Letters 354, 37-45..  [doi]

OULKADI D., BALLAND-BOLOU-BI C., MICHOT L.-J., GRYBOS M., BILLARD P., MUSTIN C., BANON S. , 2014. Bioweathering of nontronite colloids in hybrid silica gel: implications for iron mobilization. Journal Of Applied Microbiology 116, 325-334..  [doi]

OULKADI D., BANON S., MUSTIN C., ETIENNE M. , 2014. Local pH measurement at wet mineral-bacteria/air interface. Electrochemistry Communications 44, 1-3..  [doi]

ALDEEK F., SCHNEIDER R., FONTAINE-AUPART M.-P., MUSTIN C., LECART S., MERLIN C., BLOCK J.-C. , 2013. Patterned Hydrophobic Domains in the Exopolymer Matrix of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilms. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 79, 1400-1402..  [doi]

BONGOUA-DEVISME A.-J., CÉBRON A., KASSIN KE., YORO G.-R., MUSTIN C., BERTHELIN J. , 2013. Microbial Communities Involved in Fe Reduction and Mobility During Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Mineralization in Two Contrasted Paddy Soils. Geomicrobiology Journal 30, 347-361..  [doi]

CHATELLIER X., GRYBOS M., ABDELMOULA M., KEMNER K.-M., LEPPARD G.-G., MUSTIN C., WEST M.-M., PAKTUNC D. , 2013. Immobilization of P by oxidation of Fe(II) ions leading to nanoparticle formation and aggregation. Applied Geochemistry 35, 325-339..  [doi]

ESNAULT L., LIBERT M., BILDSTEIN O., MUSTIN C., MARSAL F., JULLIEN M. , 2013. Impact of iron-reducing bacteria on the properties of argillites in the context of radioactive waste geological disposal. Applied Clay Science 83-84, 42-49..  [doi]

BONGOUA-DEVISME J., MUSTIN C., BERTHELIN J., 2012. Responses of iron-reducing bacteria to salinity and organic matter amendment in paddy soils of Thailand. Pedosphere. 22 (3) 375-393..  [doi]

OULKADI D., DESOBRY S., MUSTIN C., DESOBRY-BANON S., 2012. Water sorption in hybrid silica gels containing nontronite. J Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 64 (3), 653-660..  [doi]

ALDEEK F., MUSTIN C., BALAN L., MEHDJADI G., ROQUES-CARMES T., ARNOUS P., SCHNEIDER R., 2011. Enhanced photostability from CdSe(S)/ZnO core/shell quantum dots and their use in biolabeling.  Eur. J.  Inorg. Chem. (6), 794-801..  [doi]

ALDEEK F., MUSTIN C., BALAN L., ROQUES-CARMES T., FONTAINE-AUPART M.-P., SCHNEIDER R., 2011. Surface-engineered quantum dots for the labelling of hydrophobic microdomains in bacterila biofilms. Biomaterials 32 (23), 5459-5470..  [doi]

GRYBOS M., BILLARD P., DESOBRY-BANON S., MICHOT L.-J., LENAIN J.-F., MUSTIN C., 2011. Bio-dissolution of colloidal-size clay minerals entrapped in microporous silica gels. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 362: 317-324.  [doi]

BALLAND C., POSZWA A., LEYVAL C., MUSTIN C., 2010. Dissolution rates of phyllosilicates as a function of bacterial metabolic diversity, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(19), 5478-5493..  [doi]

GRYBOS M., MICHOT L., BILLARD P., MUSTIN C., 2010. Dissolution of anisotropic colloidal mineral particles: Evidence for basal surface reactivity of nontronite. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 343(2):433-8.  [doi]

GRYBOS M., MICHOT L.-J., SKIBA M., BILLARD P., MUSTIN C., 2010. Dissolution of anisotropic colloidal mineral particles: Evidence for basal surface reactivity of nontronite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 343: 433-438 .  [doi]

HOUHOU J., LARTIGES B., FRANCE-LANORD C., GUILMETTE C., POIX S., MUSTIN C., 2010. Isotopic tracing of clear water sources in an urban sewer: A combined water and dissolved sulfate stable isotope approach. Water Res. 44(1),256-66..  [doi]

MOUSSODIA R.-O., BALAN L., MERLIN C., MUSTIN C., SCHNEIDER R., 2010. Biocompatible and stable ZnO quantum dots generated by functionalization with siloxane-core PAMAM dendrons J. Mater. Chem. 20, 1147-1155..  [doi]

PISAPIA C., HUMBERT B., CHAUSSIDON M., DEMOISSON F., MUSTIN C., 2010. Accurate micro-Raman characterization of reaction products at the surface of biooxidized pyrite. American Mineralogist, sous presse..  [doi]

ZEGEYE A., MUSTIN C., JORAND F., 2010. Bacterial and iron oxide aggregates mediate secondary iron mineral formation: green rust versus magnetite. Geobiology, 8(3), 209-22..  [doi]

ALDEEK F., BALAN L., MEDJAHDI G., ROQUES-CARMES T., MALVAL J.-P., MUSTIN C., GHANBAJA J., SCHNEIDER R., 2009. Enhanced Optical Properties of Core/Shell/Shell CdTe/CdS/ZnO Quantum Dots Prepared in Aqueous Solution J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 19458-19467..  [doi]

GARGAUD M., MUSTIN C., REISSE J., 2009. Traces de vie présente ou passé: quels indices, signatures ou marqueurs? CRAS - Series IIA Earth and Planetary Siences. 8 (7), 593-692..

NAJA G., MUSTIN C., VOLESKY B., BERTHELIN J., 2008. Biosorption study in a mining wastewater reservoir. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 34, 14-27..  [doi]

PISAPIA C., HUMBERT B., CHAUSSIDON M., MUSTIN C., 2008. Perforative Corrosion of Pyrite Enhanced by Direct Attachment of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Geomicrobiology Journal, 25, 6 , 261- 273.  [doi]

MUNIER-LAMY C., DENEUX-MUSTIN S., MUSTIN C., MERLET D., BERTHELIN J., LEYVAL C., 2007. Selenium bioavailability and uptake as affected by four different plants in a loamy clay soil with particular attention to mycorrhizae inoculated ryegrass. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 97, 148-158..  [doi]

PISAPIA C., CHAUSSIDON M., MUSTIN C., HUMBERT B., 2007. O and S isotopic compositionof dissolved and attached oxidation products of pyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Comparison with abiotic oxidations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 71:  2474-2490..  [doi]

UROZ S., CALVARUSO C., TURPAULT M.-P., PIERRAT J.-C., MUSTIN C., FREY-KLETT P., 2007. Effect of the Mycorrhizosphere on the genotypic and metabolic diversity of the soil bacterial communities involved in mineral weathering in a forest soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73 : 3019-3027.  [doi]

BECQUER T., QUANTIN C., ROTTE-CAPET S., GHANBAJA J., MUSTIN C., HERBILLON A.-J., 2006. Sources of trace metals in Ferralsols in New Caledonia. European Journal of Soil Science, 57 : 200-213..

NAJA G., MUSTIN C., VOLESKY B., BERTHELIN J., 2006. Stabilization of the initial electrochemical potential for a metal-based potentiometric titration study of a biosorption process. Chemosphere, 62 :163-170..

NAJA G., MUSTIN C., VOLESKY B., BERTHELIN J., 2006. Association Constants of Pb2+ with binding sites of Fungal Biomass Using Metal-based Titrations.  Environmental Technology 27, 1 : 109-117..

PISAPIA C., CHAUSSIDON M., MUSTIN C., HUMBERT B., 2006. O and S isotopic compositionof dissolved and attached oxidation products of pyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Comparison with abiotic oxidations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.  71 (10) :  2474 à 2490..

NAJA G., MUSTIN C., VOLESKY B., BERTHELIN J., 2005. A high-resolution titrator : a new approach to studying binding sites of microbial biosorbents. Water Research 39, p 579-588..

NAJA G., MUSTIN C., VOLESKY B., BERTHELIN J., 2005. Lead biosorption study with Rhizopus arrhizus using a metal-based titration technique. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 292 : 537-543.

PERRIER T., MARTIN-GARIN A., MUSTIN C., 2005. Remobilization of Armericium in calcareous soil columns under experimental rhizospheric condotions. Radioprotection, Suppl. 1, vol 40, S113-S118.

BOONAERT C., TONIAZZO V., MUSTIN C., DUFRENE Y., ROUXHET P., 2002. Deformation of Lactociccus lactis surface in AFM study.  Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces 23: 201-211..

CHAIGNON V., LARTIGES B.-S., EL SAMRANI A., MUSTIN C., 2002. Evolution of size distribution and transfer of mineral particles between flocs in activated sludges: an insight into floc exchange dynamics, Water Res., 36, 676-684.

DENIS F.-A., HANARP P., SUTHERLAND D.-S., GOLD J., MUSTIN C., ROUXHET P.-G., DUFRENE Y.-F., 2002. Protein adsorption on model surfaces with controlled nanotopography and chemistry. Langmuir 2002, 18, 819-828..

CHAIGNON V., LARTIGES B.-S., EL SAMRANI A., MUSTIN C., 2001. Evolution of size distribution and transfer of mineral particles between flocs in activated sludges : an insight into floc exchange dynamics. Water Research, 36, 3, p 808-816..

LARTIGES B.-S., DENEUX-MUSTIN S., VILLEMIN G., MUSTIN C., BARRÈS O., CHAMEROIS M., GERARD B., BABUT M., 2001. Composition, structure, and size distribution of suspended particulates from the Rhine River, Water Res., 35, 808-816.

LARTIGES B.-S., DENEUX-MUSTIN S., VILLEMIN G., MUSTIN C., BARRES O., CHAMEROIS M., GERARD B., BABUT M., 2001. Composition, structure and size distribution of suspended particulates from the rhine river. Water Research, 35 : 808-816..