BALLAND-BOLOU-BI C., BOLOU-BI E., VIGIER N., MUSTIN C., POSZWA A., 2019. Increased Mg release rates and related Mg isotopic signatures during bacteria-phlogopite interactions. Chemical Geology 506, 17-28 Réf. HAL: hal-01968263. [doi]
BEDEL L., LEGOUT A., POSZWA A., VAN DER HEIJDEN G., COURT M., GOUTAL-POUSSE N., MONTARGES-PELLETIER E., RANGER J., 2018. Soil aggregation may be a relevant indicator of nutrient cation availability. Annals Of Forest Science 75. [doi]
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BEDEL L., POSZWA A., VAN DER HEIJDEN G., LEGOUT A., AQUILINA L., RANGER J., 2016. Unexpected calcium sources in deep soil layers in low-fertility forest soils identified by strontium isotopes (Lorraine plateau, eastern France) Geoderma 264, 103-116. [doi]
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AQUILINA L., POSZWA A., WALTER C., VERGNAUD V., PIERSON-WICKMANN A.-C., RUIZ L., 2012. Long-term effects of high nitrogen loads on cation and carbon riverine export in agricultural catchments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(17):9447-55. [doi]
BALLAND-BOLOU-BI C., POSZWA A., 2012. Effect of calco-magnesian amendment on the mineral weathering abilities of bacterial communities in acidic and silicate-rich soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 50 :108-117. [doi]
BOLOU-BI E., VIGIER N., POSZWA A., BOUDOT J.-P., DAMBRINE E., 2012. Effects of biogeochemical processes on magnesium isotope variations in a forested catchment in the Vosges Mountains (France). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 87, 341-355.. [doi]
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BOLOU-BI E., POSZWA A., LEYVAL C., VIGIER N., 2010. Experimental determination of magnesium isotope fractionation during higher plant growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(9), 2523-2537.. [doi]
BOLOU-BI B.-E., VIGIER N., BRENOT A., POSZWA A., 2009. Magnesium isotopic composition of plants and rocks reference materials, Geostandard and Geoanalytical Research 3 (1), 95-109.. [doi]
POSZWA A., FERRY B., POLLIER B., GRIMALDI C., CHARLES-DOMINIQUE P., LOUBET M., DAMBRINE E., 2009. Variations of plant and soil 87Sr/86Sr along the slope of a tropical inselberg. Annals of forest Research 66, 512-525.. [doi]
POSZWA A., FERRY B., DAMBRINE E., POLLIER B., WICKMAN T., LOUBET M., BISCHOP K., 2004. Variation of Ca and Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio variation in boreal forest ecosystems: Role of biocycling and depth of root uptake. Biogeochemistry 67: 1-20..